What you do during the day and before bedtime has a big impact on your sleep. It can either help you get good sleep or sleeplessness.

Your daily routines – this includes the things you eat and drink, how your schedule your days, the medications you take, and how you spend your evenings – will have a big impact on your sleep. A small adjustment to your daily routine can either cause you to have a restless night or sound sleep.

Complete a two-week diary because it will help you have a good understanding of your routines and how they could be affecting your sleep.

Sleep hygiene is used to describe healthy sleep habits that you can follow to improve your ability to fall and stay asleep. The habits are the foundation of cognitive-behavioural therapy, which is the best long-term treatment for people suffering from chronic insomnia.

CBT deals with the problem by addressing the thoughts and behaviours causing you to have a poor quality of sleep. This will include techniques for relaxation, stress reduction, and sleep schedule management.

If you have sleep problems and you want to get better quality of sleep, the following sleep habits can help. If the problem persists, see a doctor. You can also visit an AASM-accredited sleep centre and see a sleep team.

Quick Sleep Tips

Following these tips will help in establishing healthy sleep habits:

Have a consistent sleep schedule. You should try to go to bed at the same time every day, including during vacations and weekends.

Sleep early so you can get at least 7 hours of sleep

Go to bed only when you feel sleepy

If you have been in the bed for more than 20 minutes and have not fallen asleep, get out of bed

Have a relaxing bedtime routine

Using your bed for sleep and sex only

Make the bedroom relaxing and quiet. Your room needs to have a cool and comfortable temperature

Check your mattress, if it is older than 8 years old you probably need to think about replacing it. Limiting exposure to bright lights in the evening

Turning off any electronic device at least thirty minutes before going to bed

Avoid eating big meals before bedtime. Eat a light snack if you feel hungry

Regular exercise and following a healthy diet

Avoid caffeine evening or late afternoon

Reduce your fluid intake before going to bed

Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed