Now is the perfect time to try out an electric scooter if you have been considering one. The scooters are not as expensive as they were when they were introduced into the market. They come in different sizes and designs and are designed for every type of rider. However, more powerful models can prove a challenge.

Riding an electric scooter might take a bit of practice for some riders, especially if they have never ridden a manual one. While many of the powerful e-scooters might need some training, getting the handle of the slower ones might also involve a bit of skill. So, how can you jump on one of the powerful electric scooters and ride it like a pro?

  • Getting Started

An e-scooter is like a bicycle, not that complicated to ride, although it does take some getting used to if you do not want to drop it on the first day.  If you are a novice rider or a few years since your rode one, consider finding a safe place for some practice runs before heating the street.

Pick an area will enough open space, meaning it has few obstacles and little to no traffic. You can check out back roads or parking lots since they are mostly empty or deserted over the weekends. Get on bike lanes or paths after building up your confidence on the scooter and regaining your riding skills.

  • Basic Steps

To ride the scooter, check for a latch at the base of its steering column. Flip the latch, and it will unlock the scooter, raising it to an upright position. Then press the on switch to power up the scooter. If your model is fitted with an LED display, read the information it shows, paying attention to the battery charge level.

The handbrake is situated on the handlebars. You might notice that the brakes are a bit too sensitive, thus take it easy as you enjoy the ride and familiarize yourself with your new electric scooter. Turn the throttle to get the scooter going, keeping in mind that it’s what you will use to increase or reduce the power.

Use the hand or foot brake when you need to stop, and do not forget to power your scooter off once you are done riding. Remember to fold it back up and engage the latch.

  • Practising With A Partner

If you have a pal that’s a pro at riding a bicycle or scooter, hit them up and ask them to help you get the hang of things. You can request them to be your practice partner, doing a few runs with you to help you know the basics.

  • Safety

Irrespective of your practice buddy or where you are ridding, you should never overlook the need to be safe. Wear a helmet before jumping onto your electric scooter and heading out. The pros advise people always to protect their heads. Consider using the Pro-Tec full-coverage helmet because it has a sturdy build and an extensive vent system. It also has a moisture-wicking liner to keep you cool when riding.

  • Clothing

You should also wear protective garments, covering your legs and arms to ensure you have some protection if you fall when riding. Pro riders recommend elbow and knee pads for kids and beginners.

  • Charging

You should check the battery to ensure it is fully charged before taking your e-scooter out for a spin. It would be best if you learned how to charge the scooter by reading the manufacturer’s manual. Some models take an hour to charge, but others may need to be plugged in and charged overnight. Therefore, make sure that your scooter is plugged in for charging so that you are ready ahead of time.

  • Brakes

GOTRAX Glider E-Scooter has models for kids and adults that are equipped with powerful brakes. Nevertheless, pros recommend testing and get the hang of the brake system before riding your new electric scooter at top speed. You should know their sensitivity just to be safe when on ridding.

  • Pace Yourself

Having something with some power under your feet will have you itching to rev up the throttle. However, do not do this if you are learning how to ride the scooter lest you find yourself shooting off at max speed before you have grasped how to handle the scooter, especially its braking capacity.

Balancing might not be complicated or hard during your first ride as you move at a moderate speed. But maintaining your balance will prove a bit challenging as you increase the speed, and it will need a bit more practising.

  • In The Event of An Accident

No rider can claim not to fall from time to time, no matter how skilled or experienced. The trick to avoiding severe injuries is not to panic when you are about to fall. You should let go of the throttle during such an instance if you do not want to worsen the situation or possible outcomes.

The pros recommend let go of everything and jumping away from the scooter as you are about to fall. Never try to protect the scooter; instead, focus on saving and protecting yourself.

  • Mileage

Always monitor the scooter’s battery life indicator when riding, as you also keep a close eye on its mileage. It would be best if you had gone through the user’s manual to know the scooter’s mileage range and battery performance before heading out.

You should pack it up and head for home when you notice you are close to the max mileage range or the battery life is low. If not, you risk finding yourself stuck far from home and having to push your scooter all the way back, which can be tasking if you have a heavier model.